Turns out i had a molar pregnancy

Christine • Rainbow baby boy born January 2017 🌈 after a missed miscarriage Dec`14, molar pregnancy Apr`15 and blighted ovum Feb'16
Yesterday i was diagnosed with a molar pregnancy and had to have a d&c. I was supposed to be around 9 weeks. Never had any weird symptoms, never knew anyone who had gone through this, never imagined this could happen to me. I was so nauseous (thankfully, no puking) from week 5 i just thought this was finally my rainbow baby after losing my first pregnancy last December. On monday we learned my hcg was ridiculously high, around 260,000. Ridiculous. Turns out i have such bad luck that even though i get pregnant pretty easily, my babies either dont develop correctly (1st time) or something else grows in their place, in this case a mass that tricks my body into believing i'm pregnant. This sucks. I'm feeling ok because i accepted the fact that this was not my child that died, but a piece of tissue, a sickness that was in my body and now it's gone. What sucks even more is that now i have to wait at least 6 months to try to conceive again. Even funnier is i haven't been healthier in my life. It's such a cruel joke. I want a healthy pregnancy. I want to become a mother. This just sucks.