Studying tips??



Does anybody have any good studying tips or techniques? I'm in my first year of college and studying definitely is not my strong suit..

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Flash cardsFlash cardsFlash cards They help so much cause first you write the info out( hand write don't type) then you go over them repeatly. Plus by the end of the yeah for finals and midterm you know exactly what you need to study because you already have a study guide. Did this throughout all of high school still doing it!!!😀💯👌🏾💙


Ra • Sep 15, 2017
Thank you!


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I'm not a studier like I'm a major procrastinator 😂😂😂 so no real suggestions except study the study guide and if your professor is having a review before the exam make sure to attend. Take notes during lectures and highlight or asterisk things that professors emphasize, especially if their one of those professor that constantly say that'll be a good test question 🙄. I procrastinate effectively by going through my notes, readings, slides, etc. for the entire day before the test. Also, ask your professors about recording lectures that way you don't miss anything.


Ra • Sep 16, 2017
Thank you!


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Honestly, dont feel as if you have to constantly study. I'm a second year, and with me I found to just do the assigned work and when the test comes around, to study the study guide. I would fill the study guide out and study whatever is on it.


Ra • Sep 14, 2017
Thank you! I'll give that a shot


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What I do is I read through the notes and write down on a piece of paper any of the information I don't know. then I read through that, and the stuff I still don't know I make into flashcards.


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Flash cards never really work for me but you'll have to try various things to see which is for you 1) I have my own version of cornell note taking and my grades have improved by 10-15% using this method2) for subjects like biology I make a huge poster thing on each section.. Each section or chapter is a different colour coz this helps to separate em in my mind and remember it betterAlso the less amount of pages, the less the brain thinks it needs to study3) past papers are the best thing that I have ever tried and they've really improved my marks 4) I remember things in 3 categories so what I do is use 3 different colour pens or highlighters Eg. Black, pink, purplePurple would be main headingsPink would be subheadings and important phrases or words Black is everything else 5) a combination of 1 and 4 works well6) other techniques - mind maps- flashcards for definitions or terms- monthly planner- compiling a list of everything to study- allocating more time to struggle subjects or sections - 2 hours per day chill time- 1 night per week social night- decide whether you're a morning or night learner Since I'm a morning learner I wake up at 4 and sleep at 8 - self motivation If I get an A I'll buy myself a new clothing item or perfume - disable ig and snapchat during exam months- take supplements - water and food


Ra • Sep 24, 2017
These are great! I'll definitely give it a shot. Thank you so much


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Definitely flash cards. Bring them with you wherever you go and go through them whenever you have a free moment. Also, if your professor provides any study guides or exam reviews, take advantage of them!


Ra • Sep 24, 2017
Thank you


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Find a place for just studying that way you can really focus.


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Keep ahead of your work so you dont get overwhelmed. Read the suggested readings (theyre VERY helpful. Thats why teachers put them there)