My Story


It's been years. The summer before my Junior year of high school - maybe 2011? I was sixteen and dating a "bad boy." I New he cheated on me, but I came from a really strict and uptight household and with him I felt like I could really be me. And we had a lot of fun together. Plus the sex was great. Probably some of the best sex I have had to date. And then I found out I was pregnant. When I told him he just told me not to tell anyone it was his and that he wasn't going to pay any child support. I went to the local pregnancy clinic here and got he support I was looking for. I'm not sure how my mom found out, because I never did tell her, but she did and told me that she had scheduled at appointment and that was the last we talked about it. I drove myself to the appointment - 2 hours away - and for the next two weeks I was in excruciating pain. I was constantly bleeding and had some of the worst cramps of my life. And I was depressed but I had no one to talk to. My mom put me in therapy, but nothing good came out of that.

Do I regret the abortion? Yes. Everyday. In my heart, I knew it was a girl and I wanted to name her Lilly. But I also look at my life now and I know that it would be so different had I gone through with the pregnancy. Life is hard enough now with college and work.

The abortion will always be my biggest regret in life. But I have to look at everything good I have now and live.