My baby is not latching

My Baby is 5 days old, I had a Csection so my milk did not come right after birth. So nurses fed him with bottles for 2 days. We are home now and I my milk has come, but he is not latching, I try every time before I feed him, but he gets frustraded and starts crying. I am pumping every day and I feed him with it, but I am scared he is never going to latch. I was really looking forward on breastfeeding and I feel sad I am not being able to :( Pleade give advine!
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I had a c section and we taught our babe to latch by using a syringe at the breast. Fill it with your expressed milk and whenever LO sucks at the breast reward it by shooting some milk in his/her cheek. Don't let them get frustrated! We had to supplement and we used this technique to associate feeding and the breast. Our LO is 1mo today and is EBF now ☺️


Jess • Apr 20, 2015
Yes! Syringe was very important for us too.


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Keep offering only the breast all day extremely frequently. As soon as LO realizes that's where food comes from you'll be okay. 


Emilia • Apr 18, 2015
Thank you ☺️


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Try hand expressing a bit so he doesn't have to wait/work that hard and milk is quickly available. You might also get a seringe and take some pumped milk and apply it to your nipple or inside his cheek as he starts to attempt as a reminder that this is where the food comes from. Also he may need a nipple shield, a lot of people advise against them. I've been using them for four weeks now. If that's what it takes for her to eat, so be it! If he was used to a bottle a nipple shield will make you feel the same way. If you are worried about using one you can always try to ween him off of it later. 


Jess • Apr 20, 2015
They say it can lower supply because baby isn't directly touching your skin during a feeding.


Emilia • Apr 20, 2015
Thanks! I actually bought one and it is working wonders! I am really happy with it. Is it true it could lower my milk supply? Why is people against it?


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Mine got his tongue clipped this past Thursday. His first feeding afterwards was perfect and painfree. All feedings since were back to the same. I keep trying to adjust his latch but his mouth is so tiny and my boobs are humungous. Makes me cry a lot. He us a week and 3 days old. I know I shouldnt expect so much from him being newborn and still needs practice but every time I end up using a nipple shield and it still ends up psinful I feel embarassed and ashamed. Its unfair😞. I am trying to hang in there. I hear sometimes it can take a couple weeks. Keep trying. I know of a lot of formula fed babies that grew up perfectly healthy and happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying your hardest for aa long as you can hold out and then giving into formula. Just make sure to do a lot of skin on skin if u plan on giving in to formula. You can still get somewhat of a bond from that! Just know you are not alone!!! A lot of us out here suffering from this. Breastfeeding is NOT easy. Anyone who says otherwise or says any woman is horrible for not going that route can suck ass!!! I have had a lactation consultant try helping me at the hospital. I also paid $100.00 for one to come out to my house last Monday. They gave me the most useful info & tips they could which I have followed. She didnt even tell me my son had a tongue tie! Had to find that out from the pediatrician! I would say use info from websites online. There isnt anything the consultant could tell me that the internet couldnt.  Just practice and give the munchkin a chance to learn. There are plenty of feedings to keep trying with. Also sometimes there are babies that just prefer a bottle and wont take a breast. I am a realist so apologies if it lets ya down in anyway. Every baby is different and every breast is different. Good luck!! I hope it works out the way you want! Just like I hope mine works out. 


Ti • Apr 18, 2015
It took 3hrs til I could finally breastfeed mine. It hurt like hell everytime and I thought it was normal. My milk disnt come in til he was 5dys.


Ti • Apr 18, 2015
By the way, i was a scheduled induction at 41wks3dys, in labor for 27hrs, ended up csection due to complications with baby and I.


Posted at
Don't give up keep trying! Maybe try a shield. Maybe try a different hold. Contact a consultant or go to a breastfeeding class offered at most hospitals. 


Emilia • Apr 18, 2015
Thank you, I will be going to a talk this monday ☺️


Posted at
I agree with Jenn. Also, have them check and see if he is tongue tied. My little girl had it and wasn't able to latch very well and we had it clipped and are doing great now. 


Emilia • Apr 18, 2015
Thank you 😊