Full time freelancing & maternity leave?

Camille • ♥️ IVF baby 03/2021 • Miracle baby 11/2017 ♥️

I just started doing full time freelance work the end of last year, and got pregnant before I even had a chance to think about disability insurance.

I'm due in November and still have no idea what my post-partum plan is! 😱

My husband has a little over a week of PTO saved up, and any time off I take will be unpaid. My clients are pretty flexible and I would love to take a few weeks to recover, but we can't swing it financially on one salary. I was hoping I would have some more money saved up by now but I was really sick in my first trimester and didn't get as many hours in as I would have liked.

I think I'll probably end up taking a week off and then picking back up part time until I am feeling better and adjusted.

But I am curious! If you are a full time work from home parent did you take leave? How long did you take and how did you make it work?