Abusive/liar I need help.. it's long I'm sorry.

So I love my SO... to an extent and I know that's wrong to say I should love him all the time. Whatever. He always calls me names then apologizes later. Like I'm stupid if I ask a question or if I don't get up right the second he asks or anything if that sort..

I think he's bipolar but refuses to go to the doctor. I left last month.. and he changed for like a week.. and he lies about the stupidest shit. Like I had screenshots of his Instagram (he made me delete mine but he could have his and follow dirty girls and pages) so I have my sister stalk him... well I had screenshots he liked and followed a page which was private you had to get into.. and he's like I didn't do that I didn't I was like Then who the fuck got on your phone and did I have the screenshots and I don't get on your phone! Anyways ot just makes me mad and he keeps saying I make his life miserable he's miserable with me and without me. But every time I try to leave he manipulates me into staying or coming back... and I can't do it anymore it's to the point I'm suicidal like I have no friends... and the worst part is he's 24 like grow up we have a kid on the way.. and that's the only reason I'm even here anymore because it's not my life anymore itsabout this baby. I always wanted a family not to do it by myself. He's a good guy and has a good heart don't get me wrong I'm not defending him. But he does have a good heart he'll help anyone he sees if they need it or he goes to the ends of the earth if anyone needs anything but me I guess..

I guess I'm asking for advice... should I leave and just pretend we don't even know each other I dont want my baby around him.. he gets angry over the littlest things. Like we have an upstairs apartment and he always yells at his daughter for "walking hard" which I get but she's 7 and our neighbors know we have kids (we talk to our neighbors often) but he walks harder and I'll say babe you yell T her for the same shit. Or if she's in her room playing and he can hear her over the tv or his videos on his phone he'll say "Calm down you're being loud" and I'll be GOD DAMNED if my kid gets yelled at for playing or reading.. like wtf.

Or Christmas.. our first Christmas we spent together we've been together almost 2 years but in January. So christmas his daughter wakes me up like EVERY NORMAL KID DOES?! We had plans to go to my moms in the AM at like 11 and his moms at like 4. So she wakes me up and asks can we do presents can we do my hair. Not to mention she's super quiet and it's Christmas because she knows dads fucking mean. So I get up with her we read a book in her room like we do every morning I get her in the bath and it's like 9:30 almost 10 at this point.. she's patiently waiting to do her presents until dad wakes up... which he doesn't and I'm getting mad like come on I've never had a kid to do presents with and every other kid in the world is up doing presents...

I need a shower and so does he. And he gets mad he wakes up and is like ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING KIDDING ME YOU WOKE ME UP THIS IS BULLSHIT. YOURE BEING LOUD IM TRYING TO SLEEP. NO CHRISTMAS FOR ANYONE. YOU GUYS GO TO YOUR MOMS GET THE FUCK OUT. I was like you're fucking pathetic seriously she's 6 and itsChristmas I don't want my kid around that sorry not sorry.

I'm sorry it's long I don't have friends.. I don't have family to go to. I just want some help...

he always says babe I'm not doing you wrong you think I am. I'm like but you are you don't think you're doing anything. He got mad the other day because I stopped rubbing his back and doing things around the house. Side note: he made me quit my job last year... I finally applied for a new one.. so he goes you never rub me anymore you never cuddle with me anymore you don't even clean the house I'm like isn't it weird how I do everything around here and you still complain then complain even more when it's not done?? And he will play on his phone on his side of the bed for over and hour I'm sleeping by then and no I'm not cuddling with a light in my face while I'm trying to sleep..

I don't want to split my family up but I'm over the lies and the anger. It's to the point where I don't even know who I am anymore because he calls me so many names.. and treats me like dog shit.. he doesn't touch me or rub my back or my feet. I'm almost 15 weeks and soon he won't be able to do anything because I'll be too big to lay down for him to rub my back which he hasn't done in almost 2 years since we first got together.

My big question is... would I be wrong to leave and just change my number and pretend I don't know him. I don't want to be around that.. and I don't want my baby around that either... no one deserves to be allied names or get yelled at everyday..