Mid cycle bleeding after triggershot?



I started my first round of gonal f injections (50 dosage) this cycle (hycosy and husbands sperm test came back clear). I went for a check up on Monday and was told the lining looked great and I had a follicle ready to trigger. We triggered at Monday mid day and had sex that evening with plans to have sex the next two evenings. However, last night just before we were about to have sex I did a cm check and there was red blood, which continued to flow for another two hours. Woke up this morning and so far there isn't anything else. I called the doctor and she said there wasn't anything we could do about it and to continue as planned, including to start taking the progesterone tomorrow. Has anyone experienced this?

I'm worried, this has never happened before and since we started trying in January it's been nothing but set back after set back - periods stopped, miscarried, PCOS diagnosed, failed clomid rounds. I felt this cycle was the start of positive news so I'm a little disheartened again :(