Things to not say to someone who had or is having a c section.


"Oh she already weighs 8 pounds! Good thing you don't have to give birth to her!"

"I can tell you didn't do it the hard way, his head is too round to be a naturally born baby"

"You should have done it like the Hebrew women"

"I wish I could have taken the easy way out."

"Your husband must be happy"

"Does it bother you to have that big scar?"

First off, I am giving birth. C sections are not easier than natural birth. Either way giving birth is a painful experience, but no matter how that baby comes out you are giving birth. Thank you for saying my child has a round head, but no need to connect that to my inability to have him naturally. If this was the "olden days" and c sections didn't exist, me and my son would be dead right now. So no I am not sad that I couldn't do it like the "Hebrew women." If you think being cut from one side of your abdomen to another, through skin, muscle, and uterus is easier than pushing a baby out of your vagina (that was made for it) then you can tell your doctor you would like a c section. Most doctors will do it without a medical reason. So by all means, that the "easy way" out. And yes, my husband is very happy that I had a c section. Not because he was worried about my lady parts after giving birth, but because if I wouldn't have gotten one me and his child would not be here. But he happily took care of us both after it. And I'm sure that while he was helping me get up and down off of the toilet and washing my hair and helping me walk again that all he could think of was, "good thing she didn't have to use her vagina!" And yea, having a scar sucks, but having children makes me so proud of this scar. It reminds me how tough I am and how strong my body is.

Sorry, just needed to rant.