So excited!!

MommyofTwo • Momma to a beautiful baby girl who is my first rainbow, and currently pregnant with our second rainbow. Two angel babies watching over from above ❤️

So since family doesn't know yet I don't have anyone to let my excitement out to lol so I'll let you ladies in on my excitement!!

So it's a little more than excitement, I'm also crazy nervous, I just found out I was expecting baby #2, I just had my 2nd miscarriage in July, my first ultrasound is Friday and I'm so excited but so nervous at the same, I just want everything to be ok with my little rainbow baby.

I know this pregnancy is different than the two I've miscarried, with the first I was hospitalized and put in a induced coma on the vent. They didn't know I was pregnant and neither did I, and with my second me and my husband were having problems and were fighting all the time, I was staying so stressed and so aggravated all the time I know it wasn't good on the baby at all.

With this pregnancy I'm doing everything I can to stay calm and stress free. I'm just ready to get a piece of mind and be able to enjoy my pregnancy and tell everyone!

I'm so ready for Friday to get here and see my baby and hear a heartbeat.