Update on recent post - Former drama queen * also to apologize to my boyfriend and the ladies that commented

First I wanna apologize to those that comments on my post the other day, I acted like a total drama queen, passive aggressive, stereotypical girl, a total child and anything you want to call me but I’m truly sorry. But Since I put out there my conversation with my boyfriend on late Saturday, I just wanna say that everyone of you that commented were 100% right although some were a bit harsh but it got thru to me and make me realize that it’s true what I have is the perfect guy that shouldn’t be treated the way I treated him thru text honestly my biggest is losing him because I was treated horribly in my last relationship that I tempt to say things that I don’t mean. But it’s true couples need their space time to time, I will make sure to give him his space from now on just because it’s the right thing to do and also him and I just started working together and we started out as gym buddies. So thank you ladies for not sugar coating anything and just being straight up honest. It’s what I needed that’s why I posted it, not to get pity or to shame my boyfriend but instead to hear what I needed to hear to make sure that I don’t drive him away with my passive aggressive emotions. Also for those that said to go hang out my with friends and family.... my family is small and the ones that thought me about life and love I barely speak with them anymore... and as for friends they all left once graduation came... why ? I don’t know but my bestfriend is my boyfriend and although we spend so much time together a little company isn’t bad. I apologized to him yesterday and I hope that it won’t happen again. If you look thru the pictures I posted you see the happiness I gained from being with him. His amazing little sister who I grow to love more and more each day, our dog that we both saved from a bad home and him because without him I probably wouldn’t be as happy as I am right now 💖