Baby daddy droma


I feel as if though my baby daddy is loosing his drive at life and all responsibilities. He has 6 kids 2 for me and I don't think he has the luxury of kicking back for a month if he wants and not working . Well he's decided to do this while I'm pregnant and I have a two year old . I'm not working bc of high risk pregnancy and issues . He was working out of state 12 hours away and I know that's hard to be away , but you can't just quit your job and go lay on your moms couch exspecting everything to be just fine . He quit his job and has 1000 stories and tails of his next big job . I'm just about over all of this selfishness and immaturity. I don't see how his thought process works and I only see the bills adding up and our problems multiplying . Honestly he would sleep for a week at a time if I wasn't around . This leaves me with the stress of everything , taking care of our two year old , I'm on the vurge of bedrest and no help . He blows whatever money we can get and he still walks around here smiling like he's the man or something . I'm so sick of this shit and I didn't ask for this shit .