MIL issues

My mother-in-law lives with us my husband and I. We just moved to a new house, I cleaned everything I could before we started moving things into the house. I have an almost 14 month old and almost 2 month old and also work part time. She watches the kids when I'm at work. Once I get home she totally checks out of everything helping with the kids and almost never does anything around the house that is until my husband get home then she acts as if she's been helping non stop. So when I get home from work she expects me to take care of the kids, cook and clean. When she does anything around she wants everyone to know "look how I cleaned this look how I fixed that" but when I do it or don't do something she always has a negative comment to say. She always knows what buttons to push to drive me insane. I feel that if my husband and I are not together at some point she will be the reason why. This morning she was cleaning the oven and asked if I had cleaned it I said yes and she said no you didn't when I sat no I haven't done something yet she questions me why. she's always questioning anything I do for my kids and tells me what to do. She refuses to feed my 14 month old any solid food, I still have to make her mushy food. I'm sorry for the long post just needed to vent.