Please help!!



He seems to be fine!! I woke him up promptly after writing the original post. His pupils are dilating fine and he's been eating and running around my house like the crazy child I know he is! I'm on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary but I think he's ok for now! Thank you everyone!! ❤️❤️ he's an adventurous one and very resilient!!


My 10 month old walked into the kitchen behind me, opened the oven (it was off, he just pulled the door down) and he fell back and hit the back of his head what seemed to be really hard. I was making his bottle and heard it, didn't see it. Just turned around when I heard the noise and he was on the floor turning bright red and crying. I'm assuming the door came down faster than he thought it would and I didn't know he was strong enough to pull it down. He was ready for a nap so he was already cranky and sleepy, but what should I look out for?? He cried for a few minutes and calmed down, and went down for his nap. Should I be letting him sleep? Should I just take him in to be safe since I don't know how hard he actually hit his head?? All the information I'm finding online is for older kids who can talk and their speech would be slurred or they have a headache. Nothing specific to babies! 😔😔 very nervous mama right now!! 😰😰😰