Moving Decisions

My husband & I are young, married just over a year ago, and expecting our first baby in February. I get unpaid maternity leave, and currently my husband works at Walmart, after being unemployed for 3 months.

My father offered to let us live with him and his wife, as they're the only ones there in a rather big house. The entire upstairs would be ours, though we would have to share the bathroom and kitchen. I have a wonderful relationship with my father; my husband is very shy but has definitely warmed up to being around him and his wife.

My dad's offer would save us about $250/month (we would be paying rent, but it's only $50 cheaper than what we pay now, but we wouldn't have the extra cost of utilities & internet, that's all included in the rent he wants from us). He said we could stay there until 3 months after my leave, so we'd be moving out approximately August 2018. The only major downside, is we would have to get rid of our 3 cats. We have a place for my cat to go because we don't want to lose her, but the other two, honestly no idea what we would do with them because no one has offered to take them.

My OTHER dilemma, my husband just told me that he doesn't want to move. But when I tried talking to him about it, he shut me out and didn't want to talk. I tried explaining to him, how hard it was for me being the only one paying for everything while he was unemployed, but he refused to listen to me. I was nearly in tears trying to talk to him!

I guess what I'm asking, should I just put my trust in my husband, and not move, and just hope we'll be able to get by? Or should I try talking to him about moving, and try to convince him that this is what's best for our family? I just don't know what to do! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!