My little one broke out in hives again...


Sorry it's a long one! 😅

Hey y'all! 😄 I've got a problem with my little one and was hoping someone could shed some light on what it could be. ☺️

Now keep in mind we've been to the ER, and doctors a few times for this problem.

Back story- last Wednesday my little guy spiked a fever. Of course the next day I took him in because his fever would not go away and kept rising. While at the office our son got very lethargic and ended up falling asleep on the table. Weird since he's usually very excited to see his favorite nurse.

The doctor came in checked him over and said it was a Ear infection. 😞 Now this would be his first ever ear infection, so his little body was having a hard time fighting the battle.

That night was terrible with fevers that we couldn't break. Some getting up to 103.7! We tried cold compress, Motrin/Tylenol, Luke warm bath, cold fluids, naked. Nothing helped. Fast forward to Saturday morning. We still had fevers but this day something was off... he started to form a rash. It seriously Resembled HIVES!!! I freak out because he's on amoxicillin and I'm allergic to it, so of course the worst comes to mind.

Before noticing the rash, coincidentally I gave him some allergy medicine for drainage and coughing. That helped the "rash" go away shortly after being seen by the nurse in the ER!

The doctor diagnosed it as a virus. Cool, cool. We take our son to the doctor on Tuesday for a follow up appointment and his 15 month weigh in. 😅

While at this last appointment he had a massive blow out, but also another rash formed. Thankfully his doctor was right there when we saw this rash.

Once again he was covered in HIVES!!!! She confirmed it was definitely a reaction to something, and seeing how I have a history with the medicine we ruled it was possibly the cause.

Hers my issue today, my son was taken off of that and started something new yesterday. TODAY, however his Flipping HIVES are back!!! 😞 I've called his doctor to inform them, but wanted to see what else could be causing this!

Now we have started him on a new breakfast cereal. It's the blueberry toast crunch. He's always had the strawberry toast crunch, so this one is new for him. We've been giving it to him for a few weeks with now issues. We find it odd that he can eat other blueberry food items and not have that reaction.

Could this just truly be a virus causing hives? Or is it more likely a food/medicine allergy?

Please keep in mind I've already taken the necessary steps to get this resolved.