Why is my 5 month old sleeping like a newborn again?


The last 3 nights my son has been waking up as soon as he’s laid down in the crib. We do our bedtime routine, everything the same. He has slept all night since he was a month old. He’s been in the crib since he was 3 months old with no problems. Now I lay him down & within 5 minutes, he’s crying. I give him his pacifier, rub his back, & he falls back asleep. 10-15 minutes later it happens again. The past 2 nights I just picked him up & he fell asleep on my chest so we slept in the recliner. My husband will wake me up to come to bed & I put the baby in his crib & he sleeps till morning. I don’t want to make it a habit though. So far tonight this is the 4th time I’ve gone to soothe him. Am I the only one??