White Trash Whore. (not my current)j

Tiffany • 💕Mommy 06/13/18 ❤️ baby #2 due March 2020! taken 10/28/16😍 boy momma🥰 C-section momma💪🏻

okay so yesterday I come home and go to my neighbor/friends house, were they tell me that my child's father slept with another girl last night OTHER than his girlfriend, I was like cool for him then they tell me who, this bitch is suppose to be my friend and wanna fick my childs father!! bitch has no idea I know but I'll be damn if I don't cut her, yes I have a boyfriend and my child's father isn't him, but the fact of the matter this white trash whore white was supposed to be my friend and slept with my kids dad!! regardless of if my child is walking earth or in heaven he is still my child a father and that's ultimate form of disrespect!! I confronted him and he lied to me about it because he knows I will kill bitch and not think twice about it over him. I hate him with a passion but apart of me will always love him because he is still my child's father. *Update not only his he my childs father we are still married so not only did she fuck my childs father she fucked my husband regardless of the fact we are still married, she was and is well aware of the fact as we just spoke about it last week so shut the fuck up and stop saying it's none of my concern, he is My kids dad and My husband so it is my concern until the day he signs the divorce papers* I didn't write this for ANYONE'S advice, I wrote this to VENT. Your comments are irrelevant so bye.