wants to move out of state AGAIN

Amanda • FTM to Niklaus Eli 💚 Now second baby is on the way 💚💚 Due July 25th, 2023

I'm just looking for done honest opinions, support, and maybe other's similar experiences? My boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year now and we are expecting our baby boy in January. This being unplanned and him already having 3 children, I am extremely stressed as it is. a little backstory- we are both from Ohio but have family in Florida. My mom, sister, aunt, cousins, and gramma, and dad. His gramma, aunt, and cousins. both of us also have the rest of our families in Ohio. He, however, also has 3 young children in Ohio. We made the decision to move to Florida in December last year because we both had very good jobs lined up in Florida and he could not find a job in Ohio despite trying for months. we decided that at least this way he would be able to support his kids. Soin january we moved to florida. after a few rough months living with my mom we finally moved into an apartment. well the job he had lined up fell through and he hasn't been able to find a job since. Not even fast food. needless to say, he's absolutely miserable not having a job. now it is part his fault because he's not doing EVERYTHING he could be to get one. however, because if this he wants to move back to ohio as soon as our lease is up in april. This is extremely upsetting and stressfull for me because I absolutely HATE ohio. I hate the cold. I hate having nothing to do ever. I just hate Ohio. At least the part we're from. and on to if that I have no friends there at all and my main support system besides him us in Florida. This us my first child so I'm already terrified. but he wants to move back because he's miserable and I feel like I can't say no because his children are there. I don't know what to do about any of it :( I'm completely lost and feel totally alone because of it. I don't want yo go back to a place that I hate and have no friends or support besides him. I feel so stuck. either we stay in Florida and he's miserable or we go back to Ohio and I am. we both deal with mental illness, him being borderline and me schizoaffective and until now we've been doing great helping each other through it and keeping each other on track but this all seems like its making things so much worse