My birth story!


I’m just now getting around to writing my birth story on here!

My sweet baby boy Evan was born on June 21st, 2017! He will be 15 weeks tomorrow! I can not believe he’s already 15 weeks old!! He’s such an amazing baby! So happy and loves to eat lol!


So of course like any other pregnant woman I started at 35 weeks going to the doctor every week! I literally had no problems my whole pregnancy (except once when they thought my son had a heart condition but turns out he didn’t!) like I said I was hardly ever sick during my whole pregnancy! I had horrible heart burn the WHOLE time but that’s very normal for any pregnant woman and it was no surprise to me because I’m only 5ft tall so I don’t have a lot of torso!

None the less my pregnancy was great until 35 weeks check up. And my blood pressure slowly started to creep up! At 36 weeks my bloods pressure was higher than last weeks and I wasn’t dilated or anything.

37 weeks rolls around and I had went to 1cm dilated and 50% effaced.

38 weeks the same no change but blood pressure was getting higher!

At my 39 + 3 day check up (I was hoping it would be my last) I had went to 1 1/2 cm dilated and 70% effaced! But my blood pressure was sky high! So my doctor didn’t want me to wait any longer so he was inducing me that night 8 o’clock! He stripped my membrane and I was cramping after that the rest of the day! I went and got my feet done took a nap and everything was already packed so I was ready! We had our last dinner as just the two of us and off the the hospital we went! I was very nervous! We got there and they started me on some medicine to thin out my cervix that started at 9 and I started having contractions after that but nothing bad at all just light cramping! I turned on my side because the bed was like paper thin and my butt was killing me lol! When I did that I felt a huge gush my water broke! I told my husband I think I peed myself and he took a look and was like no there is blood that’s you water!!! After that it was hell on wheels!!! I was having contractions every 2 minutes but they were 1 1/2 minutes long! So only 30 seconds on peace! It was horrible! I knew I was going to get an epidural but I wanted to wait as long and I could! Well about 3am I had enough and couldn’t take it anymore! They started my fluids and got the anesthesia guy come and stick my back! Instant relief! I slept till 6am and they started my pitocin! I was 6cm dilated already so I knew it would be quick! They would pump my epidural anytime I asked and they had to replace it once! They tried telling me I couldn’t get it replaced and I was like I’m not having this baby till you replace it and they did lol! So 11:20 it was time to push! And they wouldn’t push my epidural again! I was mad! I was hurting every where and I could barely breathe! My son was turned the wrong way up but my doctor stayed there the WHOLE TIME I PUSHED! Normal doctors come in at the end and catch the baby! Nope my doctor was so nice and she stayed with me and stretched me out! I pushed for an hour and a half and I was exhausted I mean for real! I was so ready to give up! My son started going into distress and my doctor said he needed to come out now, and she really wanted to use the Vacuum on him! I was a nervous wreck cuz I had only heard bad things about the vacuum! But my husband told me let’s have our baby boy you can do this! Then I knew I could! I pushed with everything I had for like 1 minute straight with the help of the vacuum my Evan Scott beautiful 8lbs 7oz 22 inch long boy entered the world at 1:06 pm on June 21st,2017! He was beautiful in every single way! I only had to get 3 stitches because Dr. Jones stretched me out for so long! Oh btw I felt everything!!! EVERYTHING!! Epidural was gone and he was no little baby! But I’d do it al over again in a heart beat!

Well that’s my story! I hope everyone enjoys my wonderful pain that endured lol!

Evan now!

Right after he was born!

And my last belly picture!
