My birth story

Elizabeth • Boy mama x 2

Hi all, I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks due to pregnancy induced hypertension. I had been on bed rest for two weeks and my blood pressure continued to be sporadically high. I was soooo incredibly nervous and didn't know at all what to expect being a first time mom. I went in at 9pm August 13th, got my gown on and strapped to all the monitors. I had verified just a few weeks prior that baby was head down and honestly had been since 28 weeks, however they wanted to verify before starting induction as it would be pointless if he was breech. He was definitely head down and the nurse placed the cytotec pill in my cervix to help soften my cervix and dilate me. The first round was put in at 10:25pm. I was told that I was expected to sleep because I was going to need the rest. However, I was so anxious that there was no way. I wasn't able to sleep flat on my back and every time I would try to lay on my side the monitors would lose babies heartbeat so it was just best to lay still. The nurse checked me at 4am and no real progression but she thought my cervix did feel as it had softened. They gave me the 2nd round of cytotec at 4:25am. At around 6 my OB came and said hi and to not expect to have my water broke until after the afternoon and that my son likely wouldnt be here until that evening. The nurse checked me around 9am and I was 1-2 cm. The nurse seemed surprised by the progression so she called my OB and came back and stated they were going to break my water. That was a crazy feeling! There was SO much fluid coming out of me, it was unreal! The nurse then attempted to place an internal monitor in my cervix to monitor my contractions. She was able to get that monitor in place but was not able to get a monitor on babies head to monitor and evaluate him. This was HORRIBLE. The nurse was all up in me trying to place the monitor while the other nurse pushed down on my stomach. NOT FUN. They gave up trying and started me on pitocin. Shit got real so fast and contractions were right on

top of on another. I wanted to last a while before an epidural but thought I may die hahaha. They ended up giving me fetanal to take the edge off and it definitely did but only for about 15 mins. They checked me and I was at 3cm so they decided again to try to place the monitor on baby. This was the absolute worse pain. I was contracting non stop all while the nurse was all up in me again whole pushing on my stomach. No luck again. They then called for the anesthesiologist to come to give me the epidural which was like the most incredible invention in the world. They were then able to get thay stupid monitor on babies head. They also realized that baby was head down but facing the wrong way. They let me rest but would come in and turn me every 30 mins on hopes to get him to turn. They also gave me something to completely stop my contractions because babies heart rate would plunge after every contraction and they were worried about my placenta rupturing. I rested for 1.5 hr and then they started the pitocin again. I was having those hard contractions but not feeling a thing so life was good. Out of no where a nurse comes rushing in but not the nurse that I had been seeing. She started turning me on my side and putting oxygen on me. Babies heart rate had started to drop again. At this point with him being bothered by contractions the nurse called my OB and a c section was decided on. It seemed like forever but my husband said it was only 20 mins and we were wheeled away to the OR. It only took about 10 mins to get him out and they held him up for me to see. He looked purple and wasn't crying so I was worried. My hubby watched the doctors every move as the were taking the bulb to suck his nose and mouth. My husband and I would exchange glances because no one was really saying anything. He finally let a small cry out after what seemed like an eternity. I was told he only scored a 3 on his apgar test out of 10 so they were glad they went in to get him out when they did as he was distressed. On his 2nd and 3rd apgar he scored an 8 and and then a 9. I watched my husband cut the cord and admired him as he got to hold him first.

Holden Jamie was born at 4:18 pm. He was perfect and weighed 6 pounds 10 oz, 19 inches long.