idk if me and my bf are going to last

ok so my bf and I have been together for 6 years. I'm 24 and he's 25.

I love him. and we have a decent relationship on the surface but deep down idk if it's something that will get better or not.

in the past he has cheated and I have forgiven him. i cheated to get back at him and felt so guilty I confessed and never did it again. I haven't been with anyone else in 5.5 years.

he has cheated several times since then but I never left him. idk if I was insecure or what. anywho at this stage in our relationship we have 3 children.

I haven't had any indication of him cheating within the past year but I feel like I'm just so over him and his shit.

he hasn't held a decent job since we've been together. he'll work a few months at a time then quit. I feel like he'll never become a man. but idk how to end things with him. idk how to let go. he's all ik. and our kids have never seen us apart.