sick child drunk husband.


so I'm still upset and need to rant and some opinions. on Saturday my family had a bachelor/bachelorette party for my cousin and his fiance. all the men went out shooting at 2 including my husband. at 6 I dropped my 1 1/2 year old son off at a friend's house to stay the night so I could go out with the girls. at 9 she called and said our son was throwing up so I went to get him. I called my husband to let him know and he got upset that my friend wouldn't keep watching him and we got off the phone. then he called again and said he talked to my aunt and she said she would take him so we could both go out with everyone. I asked if he told her our son was sick and he said no that it didn't matter so I got upset and said that's rude and not appropriate to ask her to watch him without being honest that he is sick. I got home and saw all my family getting onto a bus to go out and called my husband to ask if he was going to come home so I could maybe go out with my family or so we could both just stay home and he claimed he couldnt hear me and hung up. I heard the bus leave and he called me as soon they left and said hey what's going on? and I got mad and said wtf are you talking about our son is sick and you chose to leave and you are always the one going out. he got mad and said I was a bitch and hung up. at 2 a.m. he came home totally drunk and said I was stupid for being mad that he went out with my family. and was just upset because I didn't get to go out.which I was a little because I never go out but was more upset he didn't stay with us. in the morning g he said it wouldn't happen again. well last night he went over to my uncle's which is next door to cut his hair and was gone for 4 hours and came home half in the bag. again I was upset and he called me a bitch for being upset that he was at my uncle's. it's not the fact he's spending time with my family. it's because he chooses to get drunk Everytime. someone give me their opinion am I crazy and overreacting or is my husband down playing my feelings. sorry for the long post.