Rant! My Dr is so rude!

Kailiee • Mother of 2❤️, pregnant with #3 Due May 29th👶🏻 engaged to the love of my life 🤗💍

I'm 6w 4d and I had a follow up today with my dr after going to the er for bleeding. The drs at the er called it a "threatened miscarriage" they did blood work and my hcg levels were where they needed to be. anyways my dr did a abdominal ultrasound and only seen the sac which he said was normal because im still so early, he refuses to do a vaginal ultrasound because "he doesn't have the stuff to properly clean it right" 🙄 and he told me that this was going to be a "bad pregnancy" if I didn't miscarry. His words exactly "when I say bad pregnancy I mean your baby will probably have some disabilities or be deformed". What kind of dr says that shit?! I'm so upset but I go Friday to an actual ultrasound tech who will be doing a vaginal ultrasound. Fingers crossed we get good news. And if we do I am totally switching drs because I don't feel that he takes me seriously and if this isn't the greatest pregnancy he won't take me seriously either. 😔