Could I be pregnant or am I over reacting?

My boyfriend and I had sex what was either 1 day before or 2 days before he start of my fertile window (I use 3 apps and 2 said 1 days and the other said 2 days). We did it for like 2-3 minutes and then he pulled out. Ik hat he did not jack off recently or ejacilate so his Pre-Cum should be clean of sperm (I believe) and if there was I do not think that it would be enough to get me pregnant. He pulled out and ejacilated on my underwear. (I never took off my clothes my shorts were the kind that are easy to move around so he just kind of moved them to the side a bit and stuck it in). So after he came on my underwear/shorts they moved right back to where they were and I laid there in them for about 2-3 minutes (not very long) and i do not think my outer vagina touching the ejacilate for that little time could get me pregnant but could I be wrong? I was estimated to ovulate either Friday or Saturday of that week. It is now Wednesday of the next week and for the past couple days I have had a wet/water vagina feeling and it feels as if I’m getting my period but when I check its nothing and my underwear are completely clean but near my outer vagina is wet. Maybe am I ovulating late? Or is this an early sign of pregnancy? Could I be pregnant? Freaking iut rn only 15 too young to have a baby my parents would kill me please help!!!