Mental Health & TTC


I struggle with clinical depression and anxiety and I have for years. I take multiple medications and seek regular therapy, it gets bad when I don't. I just got Married in July but we have been together 7 years. We started TTC in March of 2017 so it's been 7 months. I have multiple doctors appointments, one for a full physical and blood tests,and another with my therapist to do a medication review. I can't take the medication I am on now if I get pregnant and I am preparing to come off it. I have already been very overwhelmed with the pressure to get pregnant. Every month I'm not pregnant I feel like I am letting everyone down. I talked with my husband about maybe just keeping it between us that we are TTC. I know he is excited I am too but it feels stressful and I need to relax. The problem is U already feel overwhelmed and stressed about getting pregnant and now the doctor is going to take me off my medication. Needless to say I am terrified, I don't like my depression brain, it's an asshole. I need to come off the meds though to help my body conceive and house a baby. I need suggestions on how to manage my stress and anxiety with out medication. I am scared of my depression and I don't want it ruining my chance of getting pregnant.