Keziah • I'm 19, and this is my first baby. his names Grayson💙💚

so I wasn't scared to give birth. the plan all along was to do it natural and vaginally and no epidural or locals. on November 5th (3 days before my due date) I started having contractions 12 minutes apart but pretty strong. so I waited till they were 10 minutes apart and we got our stuff packed and left to the hospital. we got there and I was 95% effaced and my water wouldn't break and I was 6cm dilated. So I walked.....all night....the next morning around 10 am my doctor came in and asked me if I wanted the epidural before they broke my water. I told them no and they proceeded to break it (that sucked so badddddd) so after I was induced about 3 minutes later the doc told me i was 9cm dilated and ready to push so I started pushing.... all natural 9 pounds 3 ounces and 45 minutes later my son was born❤ best experience of my life and im thinking I might be the toughest girl in my family😂❤❤