finally my turn for my birth story


On September 26th at 4:00 my mother and I started heading to the hospital for my induction appointment that starts at 5:00. I get there and around 6 they gave me the gel to soften my cervix over the night and at 6 in the morning they decided to check me and I'm only at 2 centimeters and then they put me me on pitocin and I had been on it for a long while around 12 they checked me and I was still 2-3 centimeters and they upped the dose of pitocin and by 5:30 they checked me again and they put me on epidural at like 2 o clock and by 5:30 they checked again and saw I was 4 centimeters and they upped my dose again. they came back around 7:30 and saw that I was in between 6-7 centimeters already they had to upped my pitocin all day because I wasn't really having any contractions and by the time it was 8:15 I had them checked again because the pressure was getting worse. they I was already 8-9 centimeters and said they would check in an hour and I waited till 9:15 and I said I couldn't hold it no more and then the nurse came in and saw that I was fully dilated and I was having trouble not pushing and the doctor barely had time to get her scrubs on and then I did three sets of pushes and in under 20 minutes my 1st baby came out and the doctor told me to stop pushing because my baby girl had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 3 times luckily I had a long umbilical cord and I had to be stitched up at 9:42 pm on September 27th 2017 Sarah Elizabeth has arrived at 7 lbs and 3 oz