UPDATE* Help please! Water broken?!

C 🖤
I woke up at 3am and felt a 'pop' in my belly whilst laying in bed- almost like an elastic band snapping- and felt like I needed to pee a few minutes later. I moved to get up but leaked before I could even get out of bed. I went to pee, changed my pants, and went back to bed, but before I could even lay down properly I was wet again. I went back to the bathroom and felt like I just couldn't stop trickling. 
I eventually stopped for more than about 30 seconds so went to go back to bed and leaked again on my way there. Changed again, put on a pad, and got into bed, but I've been leaking a little bit since (it's been about 80 minutes). 
I also have cramping on and off at the bottom of my bump. I also had bad back pain last night before bed and was sick yesterday and the day before for the first time in months. No bleeding or anything like that and baby has been moving around some.
Could my waters have broken? Or perhaps something else? Im 32+5.
Thanks x
💥 UPDATE!! 💥
My waters had broken and have been leaking slowly ever since- it's been about 24 hours now and as of about 4 hours ago there was hardly any fluid left. Baby seems fine though and perfectly happy and healthy so they've given me a steroid injection to help develop his lungs and antibiotics to prevent an infection. The registrar said that if nothing has happened within the first 24 hours (labour wise) then it's usually a sign that nothing will happen for another week or so, so they are aiming to get him to 34 weeks. She seems confident that I may be able to go home today if contractions don't start before my next steroid shot. I'm having some cramping but nothing regular enough to time at the moment- the TOCO monitor was reaching 40-50 at worst for about 10 seconds at a time. As a reference, Braxton Hicks read at about 60 and everything below is uterine irritablity, real contractions usually read at about 100 or above.  
So! Hopefully I'll be resting at home this evening instead of at the hospital with the little man still inside me. I've been joking that I think he will come early but I didn't mean 7 weeks early so fingers crossed he will stay in there for another week or so at least! Think we're going to have a little prankster trouble maker on our hands!