Help. EXCRUTIATING back pain after/during sleeping.


Does anyone else ever wake up after about 6 hours of sleep with unbearable back pain? I've dealt with this for years now but at the moment it's really bad. It is relieved as soon as I get up, for the most part. Sometimes I realize Im hurting because Im dehydrated, but I think my scoliosis combined with my boyfriends terrrrrrrible sloped mattress, it has gotten so much worse. No amount of water has helped. And I think I may also have an issue with my spinal disc or discs because my legs go numb if I sit in an off position or if I sit wrong (they instantly tingle and once I fell on my face bc I didnt realize I lost function due to the circulation being cut off). Anyways.... any remedies you ladies use to help with pain? I cant stand not being able to lay down. Im tired af :(