Relationship advice


Hello everyone.

I don’t know who to turn to and I have no one else to speak to so I hope you don’t mind me posting on here.

My partner has just started a new job (2 weeks ago) and I am really proud of him as it is a job he’s always wanted to do. My concern is that he is now doing 12 hour days including travel so I get to see for maybe 2-3 hours a night before he goes to bed and half hour in the morning if I’m lucky and my son sees him even less. Can a relationship work with spending such little time together? I now it’s quality over quantity but he doesn’t want to anything as his tired all the time, that’s includes going out for dinner as well as sex life. I feel like he has no time for me and I’m just here to cook and clean etc. He hasn’t even kissed me these last few days.

Has anyone been in this or a similar position?