Bit of a rant

Ok... so a few weeks back I started seeing this boy, and I got fairly invested in it. I’ve been in relationships before that lasted 7-12 months roughly but I felt more attached to this guy. However he started acting distant and for ages I was too scared to bring it up (didn’t want to face reality) but I did earlier this week. He told me he didn’t see it working he didn’t want a gf etc and that id be busy with exams and ended it. I feel so stupid because I really liked him even thought it wasn’t that long lasting... he asked to stay friends and continued talking away to me, but I’m still so upset. I’m keeping my feelings on the DL because I don’t want him to feel pressured or guilty or anything but I can’t stop thinking about him and missing him... part of me is holding out hope when I know it shouldn’t. I just feel so stupid to have let myself like him so much. Bit embarrassed too.