
Kadence Katherine Coffey, born 10-6-17 at 2:34 P.M. weighing 6 lbs 9 oz. 20 in. Long. I woke up this morning at 04:00 am to a horrible cramp, went to the bathroom and laid back down, within the next hour I had 4 more cramps. So I got up went to the kitchen got some water, and had some coffee. after I got up these “cramps” turned to contractions and started coming every ten minutes until 09:00 am so I came to the hospital, mind you I was 1 /12 cm dilated last night and I was 1 1/12 cm dilated since 37 weeks, when I got to the hospital at around 09:00 am and they checked me I was at 3 cm dilated! I was ecstatic, but my doctor asked for them to check me in an hour and if I haven’t dilated more, to send me home! omg how frustrating, I did dilated more, and the next time she checked me I was at a 4 and 65% effaced so I was admitted. When I got in the room (by now I was having horrible contractions) they checked me and I was at a 5. Within two hours I was at a full ten and ready to go, but when I was 8 cm I got the epidural, which only took to one side of my body, and after they rolled me back over after trying to get the epidural to the other side of my body, I was at a 10 and she was coming out, my doctor was not in so I was not able to push, by the time he did come in my epidural still was not on both sides. So needless to say, I felt the whole birthing process. And it was the Worst pain I have ever felt in my entire existence, but I feel amazing that I birthed her basically without an epidural because it did not stick. we are completely in awe with her and my son. And I would do it every single day until the end of time just to have her forever. Everyone say hello to the 3rd love of my life. Our sweet angel Kadence