Am i overreacting?

Okay, i wasnt going to post this but since i have no friends to ask, i figured id ask you ladies.

My husband is a volunteer firefighter and he also runs with the ambulance as an emt. There is a police officer in our town (the only one for our small town) and she is also on the ambulance when shes not on duty as a cop. My husband is the most amazing man. He takes care of our little family and he works super hard for us. I love him dearly. He has never once ever given me a reason to think he would cheat. And i trust him 1000%. My issue is that this officer has my husbands number (for call purposes) and she contacts him out of the blue. He and her would be texting all the time about random things. But it would frustrate the hell out of me because everything would be about her and what she said. We got into a little argument because he told me it was nice to have someone to talk to. WHAT THE FUCK? What am i? Chopped liver?! I dont believe women or men should be reaching out to the other sex when theres issues within a relationship. I think it just leads to trouble. Just recently she contacted him because it was the anniversary of her sons death. She said she needed someone to talk to because she cant talk to her husband about it. Okay, whatever. No big deal. Mind you, shes like 60 some years old and my husband is 25. For some reason that always rubbed me the wrong way. Why are you reaching out to another man, a MARRIED man, for comfort? Dont you have girlfriends or family? I told my husband it bothered me and i told him that i dont think she should be reaching out like that.. in my opinion, thats how affairs start. And he said he was sorry he would limit their contact because he would feel the same way if i was talking to another man all the time. And he has. Hes never hid his phone. He tells me whenever she texts him. Which i appreciate. But my question is, would you ladies be upset if some woman was just casually texting your husband? I know he can have friends that are women, and he does, it doesnt bother me. What bothers me is that i feel shes trying to initiate something more than just a friendship with him. Maybe im in the wrong, idk.