

So I woke up to rudeness from my so. And he noticed he was being rude and he smirked instead of apologizing. I got quiet bc when I feel hurt or attacked I get quiet and I go on about my day. He got mad that I was quiet and he continued being rude and he pointed out the folded clothes WE were supposed to hang up together. He stated that they’re still sitting there (in a dick tone) and that I was supposed to do them and he completely forgot that we stated we would do it together after my mom left from visiting. I’m 21 weeks pregnant and we used to argue all the time to the point I considered aborting and calling it quits with him. I’m scared to even tell my mom I’m pregnant. We haven’t argued since August and today he really hurt my feelings and I’ve been crying all morning feeling like a super lousy person. I’m not sure how to let go of these feelings. And I’ve been super sensitive since I got pregnant and so knows this but he’s still in his dickhead ways. I think about leaving him and trying to do this on my own. I don’t know how to deal and I don’t know how to pick myself up. I try to stay stress free for the baby but I don’t find myself genuinely happy anymore.

My little bump... waiting for birth to find out the gender.