Hello everyone !

Claire • Proud mummy to baby Girl ❤️

I'm currently 35 weeks preg and have a daughter (22 months old) I breastfed and as a result .. co slept with my first daughter until she stopled breastfeeding fairly recently .. at about twenty months. That was never the plan but it was a choice between co sleeping and not sleeping and to be honest I loved it and loved the closeness and bond we had plus breastfed sucessfully - including overnight with neither of us having to wake fully to do it. Anyway. Off the point. Since July shes been sleeping in her own room in her own bed and I have a cot mattress on the floor where I've been sleeping .. I had planned to do that for a week or so to ease the transition away from me but it's now October .. I'm 5 weeks away from having another baby and I can't sleep the whole night in my own bed. I feel like I'm miles away from her. She does still wake a few times overnight .. but I have a monitor and could go in to her when she wakes. The prob is with me not her after being so close those first twenty months finding it hard to not be in same room. But feel I need to be now as her baby sister is due soon ... I know it's something I'll get used to. Any tips or anyone feel the same ?!! 😔