
Screw all you who can still wear your normal jeans and who have gained hardly any weight! I have like three tops left that fit and one pair of maternity fat pants that fit. When we go out people say to me, "oh you must be due soon!" Then have a look of shock when I say I still have 5 weeks to go... 😭
I just want to go into hiding! Stupid pregnancy hormones!! 👊🏼 
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Posted at
Wait pants.. You are still wearing pants? 😆 I am rotating soft leggings and stretchy dresses. 


Janae • Apr 27, 2015
Meee tooooo


Posted at
Pants?My hips "opened up" before I reached 20weeks.I just stick to dresses, flows skirts, and leggings for bottoms.On another note. Don't shame other women who don't gain inches or have to buy a new wardrobe. Each pregnancy is different and no one should have to feel bad about the changes their body may or may not be going through.


Posted at
I've given up on pants... It's warm enough for maxi dresses!


Posted at
First baby....wore my regular jeans until almost 7 months..now 31 weeks preg with second and literally was out of my regular pants at 8 weeks. SO much bigger this pregnancy. Its been crazy ...getting dressed everyday is the worst. I feel your pain as I feel confined to about 10 items of clothing!! Hang in there !!!! 


Posted at
I am rotating two pairs of pants and three shirts right now so I feel your pain! 


Posted at
Comparing yourself to other women - pregnant or not - is brutal and will cause you completely unnecessary stress. Your body is doing a beautiful thing right now so who cares what kind of pants you have to wear through the process. There are much more important things happening inside ❤️ Be easy on yourself, rock those three tops and hang in there. 5 weeks to go IS soon!


Posted at
Everyone's body is different. You can't sit there and be mad at others for not gaining wait. What have you done to control the weight gain? Do you workout? Do you count calories. Pregnancy isn't an excuse to eat what you want and to eat for two. I haven't worn jeans since I found out I'm pregnant. Who wants to be uncomfortable? 😣 Im wearing dresses and I'm still wearing my leggings I have. (Thank God for stretch!) I haven't purchased any maternity clothing. I've gained 27lbs, but thanks to working out and calorie tracking, it's been contained. It's mostly in my hips, boobs and stomach. My hips spread and my cup size is now a 34G. It went up 3 cup sizes. I'm only 30 weeks. All that matters to me is that my child is heathy. That should be your number one concern IMO.


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If it makes you feel any better at least it's 5 weeks. I got told that I must be "about to pop any day now" and I'm only 4 months pregnant.


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I have a small belly but my butt and things gained weight so quickly in early pregnancy all I have to wear are baggy pajama pants and one pear of baggy tights. ALL my other pants don't fit at all!!!!! I'm only 28 weeks:/ 


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People are shocked when I say 11 weeks to go, my belly is huge, all out in front! 😯 I am going to need a wheel barrow soon... X