How would you do it?

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼

After watching a Louis Theroux documentary on a Miami Jail (if you’re into that sort of stuff, watch it, it was incredible) we met a man who had been in jail for 4 years without even having a court date.

So in a hypothetical world where you rule the land, how would you do it?

👉🏼Innocent > guilty= innocent until proven guilty

👉🏼Guilty> innocent= guilty until proven innocent


🌱if you voted innocent> guilty, would they be in prison, house arrest, or free to roam the streets?

🌱if you voted guilty>innocent and a prisoner was innocent, how would you justify the cost of a prisoner?

Some stats (sort of):

“According to the Innocence Project's estimates, between 2.3 percent and 5 percent of all US prisoners are innocent. The American prison population numbers about 2.4 million. Using those numbers, as many as 120,000 innocent people could currently be in prison.”

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