Get my sex life back

At the start of my relationship with my now 1 year bf our sex was great at this point I was on the pill so we weren’t using condoms. I started to get uti’s& was constantly scared I was going to get pregnant from precum if we didn’t use condoms and I also read that wearing condoms can lessen the risk of getting uti’s from sex so we started using them. Are sex was still good not great but it was alright until I came off the pill bcos it was making me have mad mood swings. Now since I’ve came off it my sex drive has gone done tremendously and it always hurts when we start having sex and I think it’s bcos of the condoms drying things up down there. I’ve also tried lube & it helped a bit but the condom yet again just dried it up. Can anyone give me any advice on how to make it stop hurting? & how to get my sex life back the way it was?