syphilis scare!


So got a call a couple weeks ago about my labs but then go told my the lady I spoke to that oh I was nothing really and they'll discuss it with me during my appointment. Well had my appointment the other day and the NP ( nurse practitioner) came in and told me and my husband that we had syphilis and that we had to go get treat and it's a serious disease and blah blah blah. And said that we have been exposed recently within the last 6 months cause I just had a baby 6 months ago and they tested me then and I was negative. Basically saying one of us had gotten this from sleeping with someone else. So me and my husband are just eyeing each other, like really so who did what. To say we've been married for the last 7 years and to be honest I believe we both have never been anyone else since marriage.

So the NP say it's a serious thing that we both had to be treated right away and that it can cause all sorts of birth defects. Well they checked my insurance and told me I could go to this doctors office that was downstairs from my OBS and get treated. And the whole time this lady is talking to us she has this serious tone of voice and basically talks to us like we are low lifes or something.

Later she steps out and comes back with the doctor and they both don't say anything they are just looking at my chart quietly. Then the doctor says well you don't have syphilis and that we have nothing to worry about it was a false positive and that I guess they took the same sample of blood and retested it strictly for syphilis and it came back negative. To say these lab results were there the same day they got the false positive. I know cause we can look at our own blood work I just didn't understand what it meant till later on.

Afterwards she wasn't really apologetic and just said she's glad she didn't let me go get treated. My thing is aren't they suppose to understand our blood work results before telling us we have something. I mean it really scared me there for my unborn child and for my marriage. Even if they didnt understand it don't they discuss it with other doctors before telling you? I work in health care and I know that to diagnose someone you better have the correct info before you tell someone they have something.

I'm glad everything turned out ok, but still upset they didn't check everything before telling me. Has this happened to anyone else, and what were your experiences ?