I need so much help?!? (Super gross pic attached btw)



Hi everybody!! Thanks so much for all the help! I didn’t go get it checked out last night because after it passed I felt so much better (completely back to normal), so thought I’d just wait to go to my doc instead of getting a hospital bill, but I just left my obgyn and she said that it was decidualized tissue, or basically 3months worth of uterine lining that hadn’t been shed until this period because of my birth control! She explained that it was a tad bit rare, mostly occurring in pregnant mamas but the progestogens in my birth control make it more common for lady’s who are not preggie. She assured me I shouldn’t worry, so I think I am ok!! Thank u all again!! :))


Ok, I started birth control (seasonique) about 3 months ago, July 25th exactly. My placebo week started Sunday, I took three days worth then started experiencing terrible terrible cramps this morning so decided to just start my new pack to stop the pain. Anyways about 20mins after taking the pill from the new pack I had the literal worst cramps I’ve ever had, I went and crouched on the toilet to see if that would help and this ginormous thing came out of me??? I’ve tried looking it up online and the only thing mentioned was a miscarriage, which isn’t possible for me because I’ve had sex once in my life and it was about 2yrs ago lol please help!! I tried calling my obgyn but she was helping someone give birth or something so I am here for help from you guys

! (Btw this thing is huge like 2-3inches) should I go to the hospital?? Not a tampon, made of fleshy stuff