Heart broken

I met this guy two months ago and it was fireworks and love struck and amazing. We both have a lot going on, his dads really sick, I’m going through a divorce. We managed to spend a lot of time together, doing things, going places, spending alone time. He tells me all the time how much he loves me and wants me in his life for the long term. He is always so good to me. The only problem is that he drinks and recently he drank too much and cheated on me. It wrecked me. He said he did it because he was trying to hurt himself and he doesn’t think he deserves my love or to be happy and doing that would prove himself right. He’s apologized, swore it won’t happen again, that it was his bottom. I feel everything right about him, like I looked so long for someone like him and I don’t want to lose him now that I finally found that. But what he did has crushed me and I don’t know how to cope with it. I need advice on what to do to move forward????