My husband and I have been TTC since February this year

My husband and I have been TTC since February this year. We lost our first baby at 6weeks on our wedding day April 29th 2017 they would have been due this Christmas. We had a couple months off and then started trying again with no luck and a lot of tears. 6months on from our loss I had written off this month as husband was away for work during fertile week only home for the last day. I decided to take a test on a whim tonight before I hunckered down for a glass of red wine. To my surprise I got a positive. My husband is away so I’m by myself until Tuesday. Lots of tears of joy! And I can’t wait to tell him the good news. I’m hoping this babe is a sticky bean ! I have had no symptoms this month at all so am totally gobsmacked about this BFP.
​We have planned for me to go to my husbands mine site in a few weeks as a last ditch attempt to try and conceive. Well I’ll still go up but I guess we have achieved our goal!!