guessing game: trying to get pregnant and irregular cycles


I'm 23 years old and I want a baby. sooooo frigging bad. my boyfriend and I met three years ago which just so happened to be around the same time that I got my first IUD.. so we've been together this whole time and now that the IUD has expired and been removed.. we want to have a baby, we want a family.

I know I know, we gushy as hell and even though many people disagree it's what we want and it's what I'm going to do. 💁

what sucks is not knowing when my period will come or when I'm ovulating. so before I got the IUD my periods were all over the fkn place. I never knew when I would get it unless I started cramping but even then the cramping would only start a day before I started bleeding. the flow was a sht show too. like sometimes it was ok.. you know the regular stuff and other months i'd bleed so much that if you threw me in the ocean it would look like one of those scenes from a movie with killer sharks and the person's leg just got bitten off. that was me a few times expect there was no shark or missing limbs or an ocean.. just me loosing a sht ton of blood. I'd go up to 3 months with no period and then randomly get it out of no where and it was just for one day.. so hopefully you get the point.. my period cycle is a fckn mystery.


I got the IUD removed 2 months ago. I've been fckn my man a lot.. TMI.. maybe.. I mean we trying to get pregnant you know? so we been hella fuckin and then I got my period last month (September 25) and it wasn't anything weird, it lasted 5 days. today is Oct 30 and I haven't gotten my period since last month.. I'm taking a pregnancy test tomorrow but I'm scared that it's going to come out negative.

damn I didn't mean to post this under this topic of TMI bs.. anyways give me feedback y'all.