

So, there's a lot of background info leading up to this, so I'll try to keep it short.

Long story short, two years ago I suffered severe depression, and my professor saw the signs and desperately tried to reach out to me. I (obviously) failed at an attempted suicide when I flinched at the last second, when I had a sudden realization that there was always ONE person who was there, ONE person who cared, and ONE person who would be upset to have me be gone. This professor. That was all I needed. I was admitted to the hospital, and I'll never forget the look of compete and utter relief on his face when I was back a week later. He continued to be there for me through a lot of hell in my life. (My family and I had a falling out, I got kicked out, I had to give up primary custody of my son to his father because I knew he would be better off, and I became so depressed I went on an alcoholic bender lasting three months...)

Now, I'm a manager, in a relationship with someone wonderful, and we are working on getting a better place that we feel comfortable bringing my son back to.

My professor and I still keep in touch. He wandered into the store I manage and we caught up, and he informed me of how he is going through an impending divorce. I had never gotten as tight of a hug in my life. I felt terrible. This man had been my rock for a very long time. I offered to buy him a drink, so we can better talk, and I wouldn't be restricted to the needs of my job at that moment.

However, I told my boyfriend about this, and he got pissed. Telling me that I can't go have a drink with a former professor going through a divorce, because he's obviously infatuated with me to some degree.

I was in complete shock, because I had no idea where this came from. I explained our history, and told him that i simply wanted to be there for a man in his time of need, after he had always been there for me during mine, and reminded him that he is part of the reason I'm still alive, standing in front of him.

However, it is now an ongoing fight at home.

Ive told him a million and one times that nothing has ever happened between us that should be cause for any concern. That I'm happy in our relationship. That there's nothing going on, other than the fact that I'm showing the same kindness he showed me.

Now, I just don't know how to handle any of it.
