Breast aching?


So I had a very late period which I believe resulted to a miscarriage the 15th of October but was never confirmed by a doctor. I found out I was pregnant the 13th and on the 15th I started bleeding at first light and then heavy with clots. On the 15th I still tested positive but after that only negatives. My period lasted about 8 to 9 days. Then after that I noticed an increase in discharge to the point I would always think I either peed myself or my period was starting again. Well now we are at the last day of the month and I am noticing that my breast have started hurting really bad and even my nipples too, that when my 4 year old daughter wants to give me a hug around my neck or just lay on me they hurt so bad. They hurt when I take off my bra o even when I shower. I've never had this before after my period. Has anyone ever experienced this before? Should I go see a doctor? Do you think something is wrong with my breasts? Please help!