Should I be worried? Having the flu; low temp for 2 days


Hi everyone!

I'm about 14 weeks along and I got a pretty nasty flu since yesterday, woke up with congested head cold-like symptoms.

I was running a low temp of 36.5 C.

Drank some lemon ginger tea and soup and felt a lot better, but then got wet in the evening and even took a warm shower.

Everything was fine until the night, couldn't sleep well; woke up today feeling like a truck had run over me, drank soup again, felt a little better, very tired all day. Now it's 10 pm and I was feeling terrible even though i just had soup with dinner, checked my temp and it's even lower, at 36.2 C.

My body temp usually fluctuates between 36.9 and 37.1, it's never been this low unless I'm really having a bad bout of the flu.

Also, today I couldn't keep water down, no matter what; I threw up all the water I tried to drink from morning, about 7 times :/ even the water I drank during lunch I threw up, but didn't throw up the lunch!

Should I be worried? Should I go to the ER?