Leave from work

I am two days over my due date with my little girl. I have been cramping and contracting for more than a week but toughing it out at work (I am a first grade teacher). I didn't plan to be there past my due date because everyone in my family has always gone early. It is getting harder physically and emotionally to be on my feet all day trying to wrangle 21 first graders with all of the contractions. I have the option to take leave early unpaid with a doctor's note. My doctor is willing to provide one and the money is not an issue. My worry is that I will take leave and she will still take a week or more to show up. I will go crazy sitting at home waiting for her. At least at work my mind is occupied. Any advice? Did anyone take leave and regret it or really enjoy it? I don't know why I am struggling with this decision so much.