First IUI-low progesterone, AF due 11-9

My husband and I have been ttc for 2 years. He is 33 and I’m 28. About 4 months ago, we saw a fertility specialist and found out that my eggs are maturing too fast and declining in count significantly. They said chances of getting pregnant naturally are 2%.

Almost 2 weeks ago, we had our first <a href="">IUI</a>. With this, they said my chances of conceiving are 10-12%. I had 4 mature follicles, so we are very hopeful. This week, I had a blood test to check my progesterone. I found out today that it was showing extremely low, less than 0.1%. They said this could be a lab error, or it could be accurate. They prescribed me progesterone to take to be on the safe side, and I will get my pregnancy blood test next week on the day of my expected period.

I wanted to know if anyone has experienced something similar to this and what were your outcomes. We are keeping faith, but the low progesterone scares me. I hope that if the <a href="">IUI</a> took, that the baby was ok the first week if I didn’t have any progesterone developing. We want a baby so badly, and we are praying next week we get a positive!