Is hoping for a girl wrong??


First of all, i’m gratefull for this pregnancy and if this is a boy I would be just ad happy.

But something deep inside me is hoping for a girl. I don’t know why i have this feeling and how i got it, but it’s there. I only dream of girls. My eyes wonder for girl clothes and girl names.

This pregnancy is completely different from the first. With my first I had no sickness or any other symptomes. With this one, i was sick all day and my face is full of zits! it stopped a few days a go and i’m 13 weeks and 6 days today.

My parents only have grandsons. I already have one 2 yo boy. I girl in the mix would be nice but i don’t want to get my hopes up!

Anyone experiences the same feelings?

Nov 16th i have the gender US and i’m freaking out! I don’t want to be disappointed if this one is a boy.


It’s a BOY