There's a smoker in the house. What do I do?!

So I live with other people (not going into details). There's a smoker in the house, he smokes outside, but sometimes it blows around the house from the backyard into our window, and sometimes they smoke where there is an open window and it seeps into the house. Other times it comes into the house from him walking in from outside (his bedroom door to the outside is in his room, and our room is across the hall from his room). He's already made it clear he will not quit (even though he's got an illness from it 🙄).

So what do I do?

Right now I'm just pregnant, but I try to avoid it, but the smoke comes in the window/in the house without warning. If I keep my window closed all day it gets stuffy and I feel claustrophobic, and it still comes in when he steps inside or walks through the house, or if someone else leaves a window open.

I'm afraid it will cause my baby to die when she's born, because it's coming into the room she's going to sleep in, it's getting in her clothes. Idk what to do short of moving, which isn't an option for me right now.

I seriously just want to punch this idiot for smoking, especially because he gets all of his cigarette money from his working spouse, and does little to jack shit around the house, despite not having a job. He blames not being able to have a job on being too sick/weak, but won't quit the thing causing it- AND he keeps his illness from his spouse- who BUYS HIS FUCKING CIGARETTES.

Not to mention he drinks and smokes pot on her dime, too. I just hate this guy sometimes.